Hello everyone, we have just released NanoVNA-F firmware 0.1.0. This firmware upgrade is mainly based on NanoVNA version 0.6.0 of edy555. The following new features are added:
This update requires recalibration of the device
2020-02-03 Latest 0.1.1, fixed SWR axis display error.
Download 0.1.1
1.Add TDR feature
2.Add marker tracking feature & dynamic update of frequency and other information when the mark moves
3.Add ordinate display
4.Support to 10kHz frequency
5.Some font, color, and layout optimizations
6.Suggestions from groups.io/nanovna-f & facebook group members and much more, thank you for your feedback
(1) a beep to the end of each standard measurement in calibration
(2) callsign.txt expanded to 44 chars, not limited to call sign display, can display your phone and email address, etc.
The startup information is not displayed for a long time at present, you can call it up in the menu.
Just into the menu: CONFIG -> ABOUT
Please feel free to contact us with any feedback, we will try our best to make this small machine more useful and valuable ~